FILMS SERENADA (Working title). A documentary film in development. A story about dreams, nature and climate change between the cultures of Denmark and Uganda. Featuring Luba Mukibi Lynch. Produced by FAIRFEMMES with support from CISU/The Danish Foreign Ministry and Merkurfonden. A MORNING, A MOTHER & A BOY. An everyday drama, and personal documentary, exploring the many dilemmas of motherhood. Produced by Ecole de Leth. THE JOURNEY OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. A series of 7 short fiction films, based on scientific research, about the Alzheimer patient journey. Featuring both actors and real medical staff. Produced for Novo Nordisk by FAIRFEMMES. SKRÅPLANET. A documentary about the experience, and repercussions of children growing up in a 1970’s co-housing community in Denmark. Produced by Pausefilm with support from Filmværkstedet Copenhagen. TRISTAN HJERTEBARN. A documentary short about losing a child. Produced by Ecole de Leth. THE ASSOCIATION OF DANISH NURSES. A campaign video to promote the cause of the Danish nurses produced by FAIRFEMMES. LÆRING I BEVÆGELSE. A promotional video produced for the company Learning by Movement by FAIRFEMMES. FACELESS. An art film about emotions without a face. Produced by Ecole de Leth. PETIT POILU. A short promotional film for the comic books Petit Poilu produced for Forlaget Forlæns by FAIRFEMMES. HOW TO UNDERSTAND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCY. An educational film about alcohol's effects on the brain produced for Novavi Fonden by FAIRFEMMES.